did not believe in a god personally involved in people's lives
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What did Rousseau say?
The belief that man, by nature, is good
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What did Diderot contribute to?
The Encyclopédie
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What did Montesquieu say?
the best form of government was one in which the legislative, executive, and judicial powers were separate and kept each other in check to prevent any branch from becoming too powerful. He believed that uniting these powers, as in the monarchy of Lo
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What war cost France a lot of money as they lost in 1763?
Seven Years War
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What were the dates of the Seven Years War?
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What were the dates of the American War of Independance?
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What Treaty at the end of the American Civil War restored French honour?
Treaty of Versailles
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What did the wars up til 1783 cause financially?
A huge deficit
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What were Salons?
a place for women and men to congregate for intellectual discourse.
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