The English Revolution: Outbreak of Civil War (1640-42) Continued 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryBritish monarchy - Tudors and StuartsA2/A-levelNone Created by: Handog2003Created on: 27-05-19 12:20 What happened in the case of the Five Members 1642? Members who wanted to charge Henrietta Maria with high treason, left London in Parliament's control 1 of 14 Name two acts under the 19 propositions: Parliament to approve royal children education, laws against papists 2 of 14 Name two acts under the 19 propositions: Parliament control militia and King's counsellors had to be approved by Parliament 3 of 14 Why was the opposition of 1640 divided? Charles had increasing political support 4 of 14 Who was John Adamson? A noble revolt 5 of 14 Warwick, Essex and Northumberland had what in common? Wanted to undermine king's power using ancient precedents 6 of 14 Why was Charles unable to crush any opposition? Had no army 7 of 14 Why did the Puritans side with Parliament? Believed Charles was a closeted Catholic 8 of 14 Who was on the King's side? The Catholics and loyal church of England men 9 of 14 What were Clubmen? Peasants determined to keep their shire neutral 10 of 14 How many shires had neutrality pacts? 22 11 of 14 Who was Parliament close with at the beginning of the war? The Scots 12 of 14 What happened to English people who were anti-Scottish? They became Royalists 13 of 14 In what areas of the Country was the Parliament party unpopular in? Cornwall and Wales 14 of 14
The First and Second Civil Wars: reasons for parliamentary success and royalist defeat; the balance of economic forces - evaluation 5.0 / 5 based on 1 rating
The first and second Civil Wars: Reasons for Parliamentary success and royalist defeat; the balance of economic forces 5.0 / 5 based on 3 ratings
First Civil War: reasons for parliamentary success and royalist defeat; the balance of economic forces 4.5 / 5 based on 5 ratings
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