The President, The Vice President, EXOP, Cabinet, Agencies
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The Supreme Court, Appeal Courts, Trial Courts
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A system of rules which describes the structure of powers of Government. Outlines the relationship betweem the three branches of government and the relationship between the government and its citizens.
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What does the Constitution do?
Puts limits on power (checks and balances) States how power is exercised and where power is located
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Compared with the UK
We have Acts of Parliment, Works of Authority, EU Law, Common Law, Royal Perogitive, Coventions
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The begining
Declaration of Independance 1776, Articles of Confederation 1781, Philadelphia Convention 1787, George Washington elected 1789, The Bill of Rights 1791.
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The Bill of Rights
First 10 Ammendments of the US constitution.
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Rights Established
I Freedom of Speech. II Right to baer arms. III No quartering of soldiers. IV No unreasonable search and seizure. V Due Proess. VI Speedy Public Trial. VII Trial by Jury in civil cases. VIII No cruel and unusual punishment. (NO SPACE 4 LAST 2)
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Ammending the Constitution
1) Proposed Ammendment 2) Vote in the House 2/3 majority 3) Vote in Senate 2/3 majority 4) Votes in state Legislatures 5) Passed by 3/4 of all State Legislatures 6) Constitution Ammended
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Notable Ammendments
13th Abolished Slavery, 15th Blacks right to vote, 22nd Two term presidential limit
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Notable Failed Constitutional Ammendments
1972 Equal Rights for Women- Passes House, Passes Senate, fails on state vote by 3 votes
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Seperation Powers
Political power is distributed betweem 3 branches of government, all acting independantly and interdependantly. Powers are shared through a seriese of checks and balances.
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Comparison to UK
UK has fusion of powers. Members can sit in more than one branch eg Legislative branch and executive
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Checks and Balances
Each branch exercises power and control over the others
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Checks on Legislature
By the Executive: recommend legislation of passase, veto. By The Judicary: Judicial Review
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Checks on Judicary
By the Executive: Appointment of judges, presidential pardon. By the Legislature: Impeachment, proposition of constitutional ammendments
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Checks on the Executive by The Legislature
Amend/delay/reject legislation, Veto, Power of thr purse, declaration of war, ratification of treaties, conformation of appointments, congressional committee investigations, impeachment.
The President, The Vice President, EXOP, Cabinet, Agencies
Card 4
The Supreme Court, Appeal Courts, Trial Courts
Card 5
A system of rules which describes the structure of powers of Government. Outlines the relationship betweem the three branches of government and the relationship between the government and its citizens.
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