Set of principles that defines the way a state or society is organised which can be written or unwritten. This may establish the distribution of power within a political system etc.
1 of 18
Principle that the government is limited to a set of constitutional rules 7 the rule of law.
2 of 18
Federal Constitution
Legal sovereignty is divided between the central government and the regional government.
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Quasi federalism
Circumstance where are great deal of power is developed but legal sovereignty is retained at the centre.
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Unitary Constitution
Legal sovereignty is concentrated exclusively in central institutions.
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Constitutional reform
Fundamental nature of the system of government are changed , or where change is proposed.
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Process of setting out a constitution in an organised way in a single document.
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Parliamentary sovereignty
Parliament is the source of all political power, all laws must be approved by Parliament.
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Parliamentary reform
Reforms in the membership, powers or procedures of either or both of the Houses of Parliament are made or proposed.
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Human rights
Basic rights and freedoms every citizen is entitled to.
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Power but not sovereignty is transferred to regions and countries ( establishment of assemblies & governments in those regions).
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Popular vote where the people rather than the representatives resolve a political issue. Way of gaining consent for constitutional reforms.
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Legal Sovereignty
Location of ultimate power to make laws with the location of the source of all legal power within the political system.
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Constitutional government
Government limited by a constitution & constitutional issues.
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Laws of a constitution cannot be changed.
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Judicial Review
Process undertaken by senior courts where judges are required to interpret, re interpret or clarify constitutional rules (ultra vires)
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Uncodified constitution
Aspects of the constitution are not written down or listed.
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Codified constitution
Aspects of the constitution are written down into a document.
18 of 18
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Principle that the government is limited to a set of constitutional rules 7 the rule of law.
Card 3
Legal sovereignty is divided between the central government and the regional government.
Card 4
Circumstance where are great deal of power is developed but legal sovereignty is retained at the centre.
Card 5
Legal sovereignty is concentrated exclusively in central institutions.
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