The constitution

  • Created by: phoebecas
  • Created on: 22-12-15 15:39
First drafted at the Constitutional Convention in 1787, its a set of principles that sets out the distribution of power and its basic principles and laws.
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Articles of Confederation
Was drawn up in 1777. Its main aim was to protect the rights of the 13 states and create only a weak national government.
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Principles of the constitution
Republicanism, Separation of Powers, Checks & Balances, Federalism and Preservation of individual rights
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One possible ideology of governing a society or state as a republic. The key point is that the people hold popular sovereignty, rather than the people being subjects of a monarchy. Federalists believed that popular passion needed to be filtered.
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Separation of Powers
Separate branches with separate membership. James madison "May justly be pronounced the very definition of Tyranny". No power given to one sole person as it leads to corruption.
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Checks & Balances
A system of government in which each branch exercises control over the actions of the other branches of government. Implemented so that neither should be able to function independently.
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Constitution is concerned with the relationship between the states and the federal government. This is briefly touched in article 6. the 10th amendment makes it explicit that the federal government was entitled to exercise only those powers granted
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Preservation of individual rights
incorporated in the bill of rights. anti-federalists believed that rights needed protection against any form of central government.
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Card 2


Was drawn up in 1777. Its main aim was to protect the rights of the 13 states and create only a weak national government.


Articles of Confederation

Card 3


Republicanism, Separation of Powers, Checks & Balances, Federalism and Preservation of individual rights


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Card 4


One possible ideology of governing a society or state as a republic. The key point is that the people hold popular sovereignty, rather than the people being subjects of a monarchy. Federalists believed that popular passion needed to be filtered.


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Card 5


Separate branches with separate membership. James madison "May justly be pronounced the very definition of Tyranny". No power given to one sole person as it leads to corruption.


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