The Civil War 0.0 / 5 ? FunFunFunNone Created by: jessthompson9Created on: 06-01-16 17:59 A religious reason why the Civil War broke out Henrietta 1 of 12 The King's soldiers Cavaliers 2 of 12 Parliament's soldiers Roundheads 3 of 12 The Battle of ... Naseby 4 of 12 Prince attacked the supply wagons Rupert 5 of 12 Surrenderd Cavaliers 6 of 12 Something to make people not like the other side deliberatley Propaganda 7 of 12 A tax everyone had to pay for the navy Ship money 8 of 12 what religion were many Mp's Puritans 9 of 12 what is a puritan protestants 10 of 12 Divine Right of ... Kings 11 of 12 Own knowledge of soldiers in the civil war thieves 12 of 12
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