many people leaving to live in the east which promised freedom and was less poor, most skilled workers. didn't prove communism as better, soviets believed west berlin was a US centre for epionage
2 of 5
What happened at the vienna summit 1961
Khrsuchev demanded the US leave west berlin. Kennedy refused and instead guaranteed the wests freedom
3 of 5
building the wall started when?
On 13th August, krushchev closed the border between east and west and began to build a wall.
4 of 5
how did it increase tensions
Check-point charlie stand off (soviets vs americans...if one fired=war), west responded with "a wall is better than a war"
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Card 2
Problems in the East
many people leaving to live in the east which promised freedom and was less poor, most skilled workers. didn't prove communism as better, soviets believed west berlin was a US centre for epionage
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