The Beatles
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- Created by: XxNieve_LouisexX
- Created on: 04-12-17 20:50
When did the Beatles change the face of pop?
1 of 84
Where did they become popular?
United States and UK
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What was there early music influenced by?
Rhythm and blues performers such as Chuck Berry
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What did their unique style of music consist of?
Indian and classical music, psychedelic rock styles of the second half of the decade
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What is Musique concrete
The use of manipulated tape loops
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Who wrote most of the songs?
Paul McCartney and John Lennon
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What did McCartney play?
Bass Guitar and sing
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What was McCartney mainly responsible for?
Lyrical aspects of melodies
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What was Lennon mainly responsible for?
unique text-writing skills
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Who were the other members of the Beatles?
George Harrison (lead guitar) and Ringo Star (drums)
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Who was the Beatles' producer?
George Martin
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Why was George Martin so crucial in the Beatles' success?
He wrote many of the arrangements for their studio recordings
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What did George Martin have training in?
Classical training, which resulted in the kind of instrumentation we find in 'Eleanor Rigby' and other songs.
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What is Eleanor Rigby about?
Loneliness and aging
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Why was Eleanor Rigby different from other songs in its time?
Most songs in this time were love songs
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What was the standard instrumentation in pop (in this time)?
Rhythm guitar, lead guitar, bass guitar and drums
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What instruments does 'Eleanor Rigby' use to break new ground in this time?
a string quartet
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How many instrumentalists were there on the recording?
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What technique does the violin use?
Double Stopping
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What do the strings play in general?
simple block chords
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What do the strings play in the intro of 'Eleanor Rigby'?
Staccato and accented notes
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What does the Cello play in 'Eleanor Rigby'?
repeated of sustained notes
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Why did the Cello rarely play pedal notes in 'Eleanor Rigby'?
Because of the slow rate of harmonic change
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Where is there an example of a pedal note?
The chorus, Cello plays continuous held bottom E.
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When does the Cello double the voice?
'wiping the dirt from his hands'
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What do the violas play?
Four-bar repeated descending chromatic phrase in semibreves (in chorus)
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When do the strings occasionally add fills?
In between the vocal lines
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How many bars is the intro?(Eleanor Rigby)
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How many verses are there? (Eleanor Rigby)
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What do the verses consist of?
A main section with an unusual ten-bar length, followed by an eight-bar refrain
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What two chords are played (mostly) through out 'Eleanor Rigby'?
C and E minor (A Minor is also used)
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Define Harmonic Rhythm
rate of chord change
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What is the Harmonic Rhythm like in 'Eleanor Rigby'?
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How does the viola create dissonance?
by playing chromatic descending notes
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What also creates dissonance?
the vocals - adds appoggiatura
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What mode are the vocals in?
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What mode are the backing vocals in?
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What is the movement of the melody like?
conjunct and step-wise
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Name the interval in the refrain and how does it change?
An octave and then later on a tenth
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Why do the strings play repeated crochets?
Is distinctive and can help to keep the piece moving
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What instrument uses syncopation?
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What is the structure of 'Here, There and Everywhere'?
slow ballad
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How does the instrumentation of 'HTE' compare to 'Eleanor Rigby'?
Is much more reduced from what might be found in standard pop songs of the period.
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What instrument is used rarely and is almost inaudible when they do appear?
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What guitar does not play?
Lead guitar
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What beats are emphasised by a simple backing guitar?
Second and fourth beats
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What is the style of singing in 'HTE'?
close harmony barbershop
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What instrument uses spread chords in the beginning?
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What instrument plays in the B section?
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How is the sound of the Mandolin produced?
Lesie cabinset in the studio
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Does the vocal line have a high or low tessitura?
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What notes are played above the stave?
G and A
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What is the structure of 'HTE'?
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Who wrote and sang 'I Want to Tell You'?
George Harrison
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What was Harrison particularly influenced by?
Eastern philosophy and musical styles and was beginning to study sitar
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How does 'I Want o Tell You' end?
Ends with melismatic chant almost like a call to prayer
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What chord is used to create dissonance?
Minor ninth F natural against an E7 chord (may reflect against Indian musical style)
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Why is the instrumentation more conventional for a pop song of the period?
More prominent drums, piano (block chords), guitar, close harmony vocals, high backing vocals
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What recording techniques are used?
fade in and fade out
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What is the structure of 'I Want to Tell You'?
Intro, Verse, Verse, Bridge, Verse, Bridge, Verse (rpt), Coda/outro
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Who mainly wrote 'Tomorrow Never Knows'?
John Lennon (partly by Paul McCartney)
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Where do the vocals ('Tomorrow Never Knows') come from?
Partly from the book called the Psychedelic Experience: A manual Based on The Tibetan Book of the Dead
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What drug was Lennon on when he wrote 'Tomorrow Never Knows'?
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What lyrics reflect the effects of LSD in 'Tomorrow Never Knows'?
'Turn off your mind, relax and float downstream'
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What influence does 'Tomorrow Never Knows' use?
Indian music
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What Indian instrument plays a drone throughout?
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What is a Tambura?
Is a string instrument found on the Indian subconintent. It usually has four strings which are plucked continuously to provide a drone accompaniment.
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What Indian instrument is also played?
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Where does the Sitar play?
In pre-recorded fill between verses
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How are the drums altered in 'Tomorrow Never Knows'?
They reverse the sound of the symbals
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What two instruments remain unchanged?
Bass guitar and drums
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How is the solo electric guitar distorted?
Is played in reverse
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How many short tapes were recorded
30 tapes of music and sound effects
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How many does George Martin use at various point in the song?
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Who first introduced the technique musicque concrete?
Pierre Schaeffer
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What natural sounds does 'Tomorrow Never Knows' use?
Laughing, this is reversed to create the sound of a seagull
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What vocal technique was introduced in 'Tomorrow Never Knows'?
artificial double tracking
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What is artificial double tracking?
Voice first recorded and then added to a mix later, altered by speed and frequency manipulation
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What did Lennon want to sound like?
A hundred Tibetan monks chanting
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How could the sound of a hundred Tibetan monks be created?
Use of the 'Leslie cabinet' to alter the vocal sounds in the studio
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What is the structure of 'Tomorrow Never Knows'?
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Define strophic
each verse is set to the same music
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What mode is the melody in?
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What scale does the guitar solo use?
A blues scale on C with flattened thirds
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Where did they become popular?
United States and UK
Card 3
What was there early music influenced by?

Card 4
What did their unique style of music consist of?

Card 5
What is Musique concrete

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