Teilzeitjob 0.0 / 5 ? GermanWork and educationGCSEAQA Created by: katieCreated on: 13-11-13 20:54 Teilzeitjob Part-time job 1 of 15 verdiene earn 2 of 15 Verkauferin Sales assistant 3 of 15 Aufgaben tasks 4 of 15 hildbereit helpful 5 of 15 ordentlich organised 6 of 15 Leuten people 7 of 15 Ich gern allein arbeite. I like working alone. 8 of 15 ehrlich honest 9 of 15 der Arberitstag the work day 10 of 15 das Telefon beantwortet answered the phone 11 of 15 an der Kasse on the till 12 of 15 mit Kunder sprechen talk to customers 13 of 15 bezahlt paid 14 of 15 Erfahrung experience 15 of 15
Vocab German - Professions, Part-time jobs , Work Experience 5.0 / 5 based on 1 rating Teacher recommended
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