Synthesis 0.0 / 5 ? ChemistryReactionsA2/A-levelOCR Created by: OliviaCreated on: 20-05-17 18:08 What is the temperature for Alkene > Alcohol? 300 1 of 15 What is the reagent for Carbonyl > Alcohol? NaBH4 2 of 15 What is the catalyst for Alkene > Alkane? Nickel 3 of 15 What is the reagent for Carboxylic Acid > Acyl Chloride? SOCl2 4 of 15 What is the process for Primary Alcohol > Aldehyde? Distillation 5 of 15 What is the process for Primary Alcohol > Carboxylic Acid? Reflux 6 of 15 What is a Secondary Alcohol oxidised to? Ketone 7 of 15 What metal do you add to Nitrobenzene to form Phenylamine? Tin 8 of 15 What is the catalyst for acylation and alkylation? AlCl3 9 of 15 What is the reagent for Haloalkane > Amine? Ethanolic Ammonia 10 of 15 What is the temperature for Alcohol > Alkene? 170 11 of 15 What is the reagent for Acyl Chloride > Carboxylic Acid? Cold Water 12 of 15 What is the reagent for Acyl Chloride > Primary Amide? Ammonia 13 of 15 What is the reagent for Acyl Chloride > Secondary Amide? Amine 14 of 15 What are the reagents and conditions for Nitrile > Carboxylic Acid? HCl, Reflux 15 of 15
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