"Sinn Fein's victory was clear cut......there had been mass conversion to a new party"
1 of 14
Alvin Jackson
"British arrests and executions had an enormous effect on public opinion"
2 of 14
IPP Deputy Leader
"It is the first rebellion that ever took place in Ireland where you had a majority on your side .....now you are washing away our whole life work in a sea of blood"
3 of 14
Charles Townshend
"the shock effect in Ireland was overwhelming"
4 of 14
John Dillon
"Britain was manufacturing Sinn Feinners"
5 of 14
George Bernard Shaw
"canonising their prisioners "
6 of 14
Patrick Pearse
"blood sacrifice"
7 of 14
Roy Foster
"enormous impact on public opinion" - (Ashe death)
8 of 14
FSL Lyons
"Sinn Fein had no better recruiting sergeant than Lord Lansdowne"
9 of 14
Irish Independant
"The IPP were treated like children"
10 of 14
Brian Farrell
"a national front to embrace the widest possible range of advanced nationalist opinion"
11 of 14
Michael Laffan
"The Sinn Fein movemen, previously a vague sentiment, became an organised and united party"
12 of 14
Michael Laffan
"Plunkett's by-election victory was the turning point for Sinn Fein"
13 of 14
Alvin Jackson
"the failure of the Lloyd George talks was the defining moment"
14 of 14
Other cards in this set
Card 2
"British arrests and executions had an enormous effect on public opinion"
Alvin Jackson
Card 3
"It is the first rebellion that ever took place in Ireland where you had a majority on your side .....now you are washing away our whole life work in a sea of blood"
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