Structure and Form 0.0 / 5 ? MusicDeveloping Musical UnderstandingA2/A-levelWJEC Created by: gemmawiltonCreated on: 23-10-17 18:10 Binary Form A piece structured in two sections - AB. 1 of 11 Ternary Form A piece structured in three sections - ABA. 2 of 11 Fugue A polyphonic composition in which a theme or themes are all stated successively in a contrapuntal texture. 3 of 11 Passacaglia A 17th-18th century musical form made up of continuous variations in the ground bass. 4 of 11 Ritornello In this form the main theme alternates with freer episodes of music. 5 of 11 Rondo The main theme is restated several times as it alternates with other themes. There are two basic patterns of a rondo: ABACA and ABACABA. 6 of 11 Theme and Variations Same material returns but is slightly or substantially varied from its original form. 7 of 11 Sonata Exposition-Development-Recapitulation. 8 of 11 Sonata-Rondo Combines elements of sonata and rondo forms. 9 of 11 Strophic Has the same music for each verse. 10 of 11 Cyclic Same theme occurs in several movements. 11 of 11
To what extent was Berlioz Symphony Fantastique part of a continuing symphonic tradition and in what ways was it breaking a new ground? 0.0 / 5
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