the ability to meet the demands of the environment/ the ability to carry out everyday activities without undue fatigue
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what does health mean?
a state of mental, physical and social well being where we are free from disease
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what is stamina?
the ability of the cardio vascular and respiratory system to take in and transport oxygen to the working muscles where it can be utilised and maintained without fatigue
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muscular endurance?
the ability of a muscle or group of muscles to sustain repeated contractions against resistance for an extended period of time without fatigue
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the ability of the body to apply force against resistance
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the maximum rate a person can move over a specific distance. speed of limb: the ability to put body parts into motion quickly
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the amount of work done per unit of time, is a product of strength x speed
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the range of the movement possible at a joint. static= when the body is stationary. dynamic= when the body is moving determined by elasticity of surroundings ligaments and tendons, strength and temperature of muscles
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reaction time- skill related?
the ability to respond rapidly to a stimulus, from the arrival of the stimulus to the initiation of the response
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agility- skill related?
the ability to move and change direction of the body quickly and under control
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co-ordination- skill related?
the abiltity to perform a motor tasks accurately and effectively, using limbs in conjunction with each other
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balance- skill related?
the maintenance of the body's centre of mass over the bass of support static= while the body is stationary. dynamic= whilst the body is moving
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
what does health mean?
a state of mental, physical and social well being where we are free from disease
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