Stress and Emotion
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- Created by: Jennifer malings
- Created on: 23-11-16 10:49
Define Theory
Theory explains the linkages between different concepts
1 of 30
Define Pressure
How an individual percieves the demands of them
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Describe the Meta-Model of Stress, Emotion and Performance
Stress -> Appraisal -> Responses -> Coping. Personal and Situation Characteristics effect all 4 stages.
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What are the 3 types of stressors?
Competitive, Organisational and Personal
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Define and give examples of Competitive Stressors
"The environmental demands assocated primarily and directly with competitive performance." E.G = preparation, injury, expectations, opponents, rivalry
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Define and give examples of Organisational Stressors
"The environmental demands associated primarily and directly with organisation within which an individual is operating." E.G = Travel arrangements, funding, facilities available.
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Define and give examples of Personal Stressors
"The environmental demands assocaited primarily and directly with personal 'non-sporting' life events". E.G = work-life interface, family issues, death of a significant other.
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What are the 4 categories of organisational stressors?
1 - Leadership + personal (coach behaviour, expectations, support staff). 2 - Cultural + team (communication, team cohesion, goals). 3 - Logistical + environmental (facilities, equipment, selection). 4 - Performance + Personal (injury, finance, diet)
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Whata are the 3 dimensions of a stressor?
Frequency, Intensity, Duration
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What is Positive and Negative Appraisal?
Positive appraisal = exhilerated or excited by the stressor. Negative Appraisal = anxious or worried by the stressor.
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What is Primary Appraisal?
"How might this affect me and do i care?" - The relevance and significance of what is happening in relation to one's goals and the implications of what is at stake.
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What is a Secondary Appraisal?
"What can I do about this?" - The availability of coping resources to deal with the issues that arise.
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What are the two types of appraisal?
Challenging and threatening. Challenging = when the athlete percieves resources and coping ability to match or exceed the stressors demands. Threatening = Percieved resources and coping strategies are inadequate to face the demands of the stressor.
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Responses - What 3 aspects of an athlete are affected by stress?
Mental (doubt, worry, frustration, poor memory recall), Physical (muscle tension, increased HR, butterflies), Behavioural (fidgeting, quiet and withdrawn, loud, short-tempered, alcohol, drugs, lack of sleep)
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What are the 5 types of Emotional Responses?
Emotional Valence, Emotional Interpretation, Emotional Labour, Emotional Contagion, Emotional Intelligence
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What affects how we response to stressors?
Beliefs and attitudes, past experiences, and our personality
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Coping - Name the 3 aspects of coping
Strategies, effeciveness and automatic
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What are the 4 aspects of strategies for coping?
Problem-focused, emotion-focused, appraisal-focused, approach.
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Give examples of performance outcomes
Positive outcomes - anxiousness under pressure helps you focus on the task at hand. Negative outcomes = over-aroused, distracted from performance.
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Give examples of wellbeing outcomes
Positive = motivated to train, work hard. Negative = burnout, overtraining, mental health issues.
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Describe "The Stress Process" in the model
The Stress Process is ongoing and never-ending. We are constantly appraising stressors in every day life.
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What is the transactional concept of stress?
We are constantly transacting with stress
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What are the 3 levels of stress management interventions?
Primary, Secondary and Tertiary
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What 3 aspects are included in every intervention?
The scope of the intervention activity, its target and the underlying assumptions of each intervention
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What is the scope, target and underlying assumption (UA) of a Primary Intervention?
Scope = proactive/preventative: eliminate or reduce the quantity, frequency or intensity of stressor. Target = alter training/comp environment or organisational structures. UA = Most effective approach to stress management is to remove stressors.
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Give examples of primary interventions
Sport redesigns, role restructuring, organisational restructuring, educational workshops
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What is the scope, target and underlying assumption (UA) of a Secondary Intervention
Scope = preventative/reactive: modify individuals' respones to stressors. Target = the individual. UA = can't eliminate/reduce stressor, best to focus on the individuals reactions to stressors instead.
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Give examples of secondary interventions
Stress management training, communication and information sharing, 'wellness' programmes, contingency planning, 'what if' scenarios, simulation training.
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What is the scope, target and underlying assumption (UA) of a Tertiary Intervention
Scope = rehabilitation/treatment: minimise damaging consequences of stressors by helping athletes cope more effectively with the consequences. Target = the individual. UA = Focus on 'treatment' of problems once they have occured.
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Give examples of tertiary interventions
Performer assistance programmes, counselling. (Things have already gone wrong, how do we fix it?)
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Define Pressure
How an individual percieves the demands of them
Card 3
Describe the Meta-Model of Stress, Emotion and Performance
Card 4
What are the 3 types of stressors?
Card 5
Define and give examples of Competitive Stressors
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