
  • Created by: ella
  • Created on: 05-02-18 17:59
When was Stolypin appointed Chairman of the Council of Ministers?
July 1906
1 of 15
When was Stolypin assassinated?
2 of 15
What was the 'rural crisis'?
How to feed the growing population
3 of 15
Why were the peasantry impoverished?
High land prices and heavy mortgage repayments
4 of 15
What was the intention of the 'Wager on the Strong'?
Creating a group of prosperous tsarist supporters
5 of 15
What were the measures of the 'Wager on the Strong'?
*****-farming system, establishing the Land Bank, encourage individual farming
6 of 15
Why did Stolypin wish to 'de-revolutionise' the peasantry?
Because of the 1905 revolution
7 of 15
How did Stolypin 'de-revolutionise' the peasantry?
Cancelled any outstanding repayments
8 of 15
What difficulties did the land reforms face?
Resistant peasantry and it would take too long
9 of 15
What were Stolypin's successes?
Effectively worked with the dumas
10 of 15
How much did the economy increase by between 1908 and 1914?
11 of 15
How much did the inflation rate rise by between 1908 and 1914?
12 of 15
Why were workers dissatisfied between 1908 and 1914?
Their wages didn't increase
13 of 15
When did the workers go on a general strike?
14 of 15
What did Stolypin and Witte have in common?
They wanted to preserve the tsarist system
15 of 15

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Card 2


When was Stolypin assassinated?



Card 3


What was the 'rural crisis'?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Why were the peasantry impoverished?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What was the intention of the 'Wager on the Strong'?


Preview of the front of card 5
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