Stem Cells 0.0 / 5 ? BiologyBiological moleculesASEdexcel Created by: francesca_321Created on: 04-03-15 18:23 What do early embyo cells show? totipotency 1 of 21 What is totipotency? They can make any cell type 2 of 21 What do older embryos show? Pluripotency 3 of 21 What does pluripotent mean? can make most cell types 4 of 21 What are differentiated cells? Some are multipotent stem cells(in bone marrow) 5 of 21 What are three sources of stem cells? Embryonic stem cells, adult stem cells and fused cells 6 of 21 What is the advantage of embryonic stem cells? Easy to extract and grow 7 of 21 What are four disadvantages of embryonic stem cells? ethical issues, possible rejection by patients body, risk of infection when cells are received, risk of stem cells becomming cancerous in the body 8 of 21 What are the advantages of adult stem cells? Fewer ethical issues, rejection risk avoided if stem cells taken from patient 9 of 21 What are three disadvantages of adult stem cells? difficult to extract, more difficult to produce different cell types and risk of infection when cells extracted and recieved 10 of 21 What are the advantages of fused cells? rejection risk avoided if nucleus taken from patient, potential for treating genetic disorders 11 of 21 what are three disadvantages of fused cells? ethical issues with source of embryonic nuclei, risk of infection when cells received and risk of stem cells becoming cancerous in body 12 of 21 What four diseases can stem cells be used for? Parkinson's disease, Multiple sclerosis, type 1 diabetes and burns 13 of 21 What is Parkinson's disease? loss of nerve cells in the brain that are involved in muscle control 14 of 21 What is MS? the electrical insulating layer surrounding nerve cells break down 15 of 21 What is the first stage in cells becoming specialised? The correct stimulus is given to the unspecialised cells, eg chemical stimulus 16 of 21 What happens when these chemicals are given to cells? some genes are switched on and become active; other genes are switched off 17 of 21 What is made from active genes Messenger RNA 18 of 21 What does the mRNA do? Moves to the ribosomes; the ribosomes read the mRNA and the appropriate protein is made 19 of 21 What can the protein do? permantly alter the structure and function of the cells 20 of 21 What are two similarites between totipotent and pluripotent stem cells? both are undifferentiated and can give rise to cells that become more specialised 21 of 21
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