Stem Cell Terminology 0.0 / 5 ? BiologyCellular processes and structureASEdexcel Created by: Corrine SCreated on: 11-05-13 15:18 Stem Cells Small, undifferentiated cells whith the potential to develop into many types of specialised cells 1 of 10 Embryonic Stem Cells Stem cells from an early embryo that can be totipotent or pluripotent 2 of 10 Adult or Somatic Stem Cells Multipotent stem cells that are found in adult tissues such as bone marrow 3 of 10 Cleavage A special type of mitosis without interphase that occurs after fertilisation 4 of 10 Blastocyst Mass of small, identical, undifferentiated cells forming a hollow sphere 5 of 10 Pluripotent Ability of a stem cell to form almost of the cell types needed in the future with exception of the placental tissue 6 of 10 Totipotent Abilit of a stem cell to form all of the 216 cell types needed to make an entire person 7 of 10 Multipotent Adult stem cells which differentiate into only a very limited range of cells 8 of 10 Cell determination The process by which cells become predestined to become a particular cell type 9 of 10 Differentiation Process by which cells become specialised for a particular function 10 of 10
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