Stem cells

  • Created by: Samba98
  • Created on: 18-05-17 12:48
How are cells specialised
Certain cells only produce certain proteins by expressing certain genes depending o their function. All cells have the ability to produce any protein but stimuli ensure unnecessary genes are not expressed
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How are certain genes prevented from being expressed?
Preventing transcription and stopping the production of mRNA or by preventing translation
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What is a totipotency
cells, such as fertilised eggs, that can mature into any body cell.
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What is a stem cell
A cell that has the ability to differentiate into any other cell
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What is an embyronic stem cell?
A stem cell that comes from the embryo in the early stages of development and can differentiate into any type of cell.
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What are adult stem cells?
Found in the tissues of the fetus and are specific to a particular organ or tissue and produce the cells for growth and repair of those cells.
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What are placental stem cells?
Found in the placenta and develop into specfic types of cell.
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What are umbilical cord blood stem cells?
Stem cells derived from the umbilical cord blood and are similar to adult stem cells
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What is a totipotent stem cell
They're found in the early embryo and can differentitate into any cell type. It comes from the fact that a zygote is totipotent
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What is a pluripotent stem cell
Found in embryos and can differentiate into almost any body cell. Examples are embryonic or fetal stem cells.
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What is a multipotent stem cell?
Found in adults and differentiate into a limited number of cells. Examples are bone marrow stem cells for blood coding.
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What is a Unipotent stem cell
a cell that can only differentiate into a single type of cell and they are derived from multipotent stem cells that are made in adult tissue
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What are induced pluripotent stem cells?
A type of pluripotent stem cells that is produced from a unipotent stem cell. this is dont by exposing the gene to transcription factors to turn on other genes.
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Why are Induced pluriopotent stem cells important
They are capable of self-renewal so a limitless supply. They can also replace embryonic stem cells for research and treatment and could overcome ethical issues.
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Name two uses of pluripotent stem cells
Treatment for skin grafts or for neuro-degenerative such as Parkinson's
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


How are certain genes prevented from being expressed?


Preventing transcription and stopping the production of mRNA or by preventing translation

Card 3


What is a totipotency


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is a stem cell


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is an embyronic stem cell?


Preview of the front of card 5
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