Stem Cells 0.0 / 5 ? BiologyStem CellsASOCR Created by: KayshaNCreated on: 10-05-17 09:25 an unspecilised cell originating from Mitosis or Meiosis. Undifferentiated 1 of 10 cell becomes specilised in the process of growth. Differentiated 2 of 10 a stem cell that can differentiate into any type of cell and form a whole organism. Totipotent 3 of 10 a stem cell that can differentiate into any type of cell, but not form a whole organism. Pluripotent 4 of 10 a stem cell that can only differentiate into a range of cell types within a certain type of tissue. Multipotent 5 of 10 A response from within the cell. Internal Stimulus 6 of 10 A response from outside the cell. External Stimulus 7 of 10 When DNA is super coiled , it cannot be transcribed. Uncoil other parts to allow transcription to occur. Control Transcription 8 of 10 Found at the tips of roots and shootsand in between the xylem and phloem tissue. Groups of unspeciialised stem cells. Meristems 9 of 10 ISPCs- type of stem cell that are pluripotent and can be genrated directly from adult cells. Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells 10 of 10
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