Statutory Interpretation Quiz General Quiz on Statutory Interpretation 3.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? LawStatutory interpretationASOCR Created by: Catherine EvansCreated on: 14-01-13 13:34 What is the relevance of Brock v DPP to Statutory Interpretation? demonstrates the need for statutory interpretation, 'type' was a broad term in this case concerning the Dangerous Dog's Act 1991 1 of 8 What Approach/Rule did Re Sigsworth follow? Golden 2 of 8 Which case did the Mischief Rule come from? Heydon's Case 3 of 8 Lord Denning favoured which interpretation? Purposive 4 of 8 Hansard was allowed as an external aid to interpretation following which case? Pepper v Hart 5 of 8 Statutory Interpretation runs a risk of judicial law making? True 6 of 8 Ejusdem generis means... Where there is a list of words followed by general words, then the general words are limited to the same kind of items as the specific words 7 of 8 R v Leach is an example of which presumption? No change to common law 8 of 8
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