Statistics on Trade Unions in the mid-20th Century 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryTrade Unions, Civil Rights in the USA (1865–1992)A2/A-levelOCR Created by: TheLordPamCreated on: 18-05-24 17:41 Give a statistic which shows how the growth in union membership during Second World War. Between 1939 and 1945, union membership rose from 9 million to 15 million. 1 of 15 Give a way in which the government helped unions during the Second World War. The National War Labour Board was re-established in 1941. 2 of 15 Give three statistics which suggests workers benefitted from the Second World War. Average industrial earnings rose by 70%. Unemployment fell from 9 million to 700,000. The NWLB permitted a 15% wage increase for cost of living. 3 of 15 What might indicate that the government infringed on union rights during the war-time period? Roosevelt was given authority to seize factories which were strike action was threatening production in 1943. 4 of 15 When did the Ford Motor company finally recognise the UAW In 1941. 5 of 15 Give a statistic which shows how the role of women in industry changed during the war. Women became 1/3 of the workforce during the war. 6 of 15 Give two ways in which the late 1940s fostered anti-Communist sentiments regarding unions. The 1947 Taft Hartley Act stemmed from McCarthyism, aiming to reduce union power. In 1949, the CIO expelled 10 Communist led unions, depriving itself of 1/3 of its members and its most capable leaders. 7 of 15 What suggested that the government wasn't completely behind McCarthyism? President Truman vetoed the Taft Hartley Act but was overruled by Congress. 8 of 15 What two pieces of evidence might support the view that the New Deal and wartime reforms had a lasting effect on labour rights? In 1948, General Motors introduced a pay code that was linked to standard of costs - and was improved in 1950. The average working week was now down to 40 hours. 9 of 15 Give three statistics which support the view that America was going through a period of economic prosperity in the 1950s. By 1959, average workers income was 35% higher than in 1945, and 200% higher than in 1920. America's GNP rose from 318 billion to 488 billion between 1950 and 1960. 60% of American families were homeowners. 10 of 15 Give three facts that indicate the 1950s were a period of industrial development. The number of hours and workers required to build a car reduced by 50% between 1945 and 1960. Chemical industry became the 4th largest industry in the USA, followed by electronics. IBM developed the Mark I calculator in 1944. 11 of 15 Give three facts which reflected the danger of industrial development on labour rights and union power in the 1950s. Union membership dropped by 50% in the 1950s. New jobs were predominantly white collar (and concentrated in the Federal Government), they were barred from striking in 1955. Organised labour saw its proportion of the labour force drop by 5% points betwee 12 of 15 What benefits were many employees seeing in the 1950s that they had not seen before? Paid vacations, healthcare coverage, and automatic wage increases. 13 of 15 When did the CIO amalgamate with the AFL, and how large were they when they joined together? They merged in 1955, bringing together 14 million union members, making up 85% of the total unionised labour force. 14 of 15 Give a statistic which shows that by 1960, many workers were still struggling, despite the 'affluent society' of the 1950s. 35 million Americans, (20%) of the population were still living under the poverty line in 1960. 15 of 15
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