Stalins Dictatorship: USSR 1924-1941
4.5 / 5 based on 3 ratings
- Created by: Ellie
- Created on: 29-05-13 11:23
How and when did Lenin die?
he suffered from a series of strokes and died in January 1924
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Who were the main contenders to replace Lenin?
Stalin and Trotsky
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Describe Stalins background
humble origins, ruthless, supported Lenin, he became general secretary of the party, good organiser, he preferred practical people to intellectuals
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Describe Trotsky's background
Jewish, very clever, he became chairman of the Petrograd Soviet, he planned the october revolution, he was commissar for war, created the red army
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What was Lenin's testament?
In 1922 Lenin wrote his thoughts about who his predecessor should be and in 1923 he added a post script that was critical of Stalin
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What happened to Lenins testament?
Stalin influenced the party not to publish it
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What were Stalins claims to power?
doctored photos so he was with Lenin, he organised Lenins funeral, he believed in socialism in one counrty
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What were Trotskys claims to power?
he carried out the october revolution, he created the red army, he wanted communism to spread quickly and believed in world revolution
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Describe communist rule in the late 1920's
leadership was shared between 9 members of the politburo, a lot of places like Ukraine hated being part of the USSR as they wanted independence, censorship was imposed, Lenin propaganda was everywhere
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Why didn't Trotsky go to Lenins funeral?
Stalin told him the wrong date
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What book did Stalin publish and When?
3 months after Lenins death Stalin published a book called the foundations of Lenninism
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What is Pravada and who became editor?
the party newspaper and Stalin
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Why was Trotsky suffering?
he was a jew and antisemitism was happening at the time
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When was Trotsky dismissed as war commissar and by whom?
Stalin dismissed Trotsky as war commissar in 1925
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What was Trotskys main aim?
He wanted to revolutionise agriculture
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Who were Stalins other oppositions?
Kamenev and Zinoviev
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In 1929 what did Stalin do to gain control?
he expelled Trotsky from the USSR
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How did Stalin control the communist party?
through the Politburo and his secret police stopped all opposition groups
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What were Stalins secret police called?
the NKVD
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Describe the constitution of 1936
it appeared to give rights and freedom to citizens but the NKVD could ignore them. The supreme soviet was elected in a vote but there were only communist candidates
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Who did the NKVD arrest?
Old Bolsheviks, former Mensheviks, army commanders, communist officials, saboteurs, kulaks, academics
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What is a Kulak?
a wealthy peasant
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Describe the show trials
started in 1936, they would be tortured until they admitted what Stalin accused them of, they would plead guilty and be executed. trials were published
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Describe the Gulags?
they were labour camps people were sent to where they were forced to do slave labour in shocking conditions people died from cold malnutrition or disease
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What were the consequences of the purges?
party members fell, people lived in constant fear, stalin weakened the USSR intellectually and so industry slowed down, the army was weak
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How did Stalin use propaganda in his cult of personality?
he made posters showing himself as a hero mixing with workers. Censorship was tightened. Posters were modern to show modern communism and there weren't many words as people ouldnt read
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Describe the cult of personality
propaganda, the NKVD had spies everywhere, political youth groups taught communism thorough sport and camping, Stalin encouraged destruction of religion,
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How was education effected in Stalins cult of personality?
The government dictated the curriculum but history was re written to suit Stalin, Trotsky was removed from history
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Describe the 5 year plans?
Stalin came up with 2 five year plans to industrialise the USSR at a fast rate
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Why did Stalin want to industrialise the USSR?
security, showing off to the world, socialism in one country
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Describe collectivisation
peasants had to give up their land to join large farms, their new farms were supplied by the state, most produce went to the government
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Who opposed collectivisation and why?
Kulaks as they became rich under the New economic policy, most kulaks refused to give up their land
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What were the effects of collectivisation?
by 1941 almost all the land was collectivised, a huge propaganda campaign was launched to persuade peasants to modernise, many peasants killed their animals in protest, some countryside was destroyed, food production fell
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What were the consequences of the 5 year plans?
by 1940 the USSR was in the first division of industrial powers, big projects were completed quickly, large investments in education, pressure was put on workers to meet targets, safety standards were low, discipline was harsh,
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Who is Stakhanov?
he was a miner who exceeded his targets and was used as a role model to workers across the USSR
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Who were the main contenders to replace Lenin?
Stalin and Trotsky
Card 3
Describe Stalins background
Card 4
Describe Trotsky's background
Card 5
What was Lenin's testament?
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