Stalin 4.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? HistoryRussia 1855-1964A2/A-levelOCR Created by: james_gwynnCreated on: 22-05-18 10:38 Reign? 1926-1953 1 of 13 When did he start collectivisation? 1929 2 of 13 What did Stalin call his mother's policy? Mother's heroine 3 of 13 What date did Stalin die? 5th march 1953 4 of 13 When was the first five year plan? 1928-1932 5 of 13 What did he do with Kulaks? He sent them to prison camps called gulags. 6 of 13 When did Russia face a famine? 1932-1934 and 1946-1947 7 of 13 What was the doctors plot? Stalin accused a group of Jewish Doctors for plotting to murder him. 8 of 13 Why did he criticise Lenin's economic policy? It created capitalist groups. 9 of 13 What was his secret police called? The NKVD 10 of 13 What leader was Stalin previously a close ally to? Lenin 11 of 13 When did he start Dekulakisation? 1929 12 of 13 What did Stalin order in May 1933? The release of many criminals accused of minor crimes. 13 of 13
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