Sports Psychology - Controlling Anxiety 3.5 / 5 based on 2 ratings ? Physical EducationSports psychologyA2/A-levelAQA Created by: Chloe MitchellCreated on: 26-02-13 09:48 What is Anxiety? Negative form a stress 1 of 11 What is Cognitive Anxiety? Psychological Responses 2 of 11 What is Somatic Anxiety? Psysiological Responses 3 of 11 Who identified Trait and State Anxiety? Speilberger 4 of 11 What is Trait Anxiety? Perceiving situations as threatening 5 of 11 What is State Anxiety? Occurs when a performer is placed in a particular situation 6 of 11 What is Competitive State Anxiety? Proposed by Marten and means performer generally perceives competitive situations as threatening 7 of 11 What are the Two Types of Data that can recorded by an Observer? Individual behaviour and aspects of performance 8 of 11 What is Biofeedback? Involves monitoring the physiological responses of the performer 9 of 11 What does STAI Stand For? State Trait Anxiety Inventory 10 of 11 What does **** stand for? Sports Competition Anxiety Test 11 of 11
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