Sport and society
4.0 / 5 based on 1 rating
- Created by: Razzity
- Created on: 10-04-17 15:49
Describe 2 games that were played in pre industrial britain by lower classes?
Mob football; played between villagers to get ball to centre of enimies villiage. Cockrel Fighting where they threw stones at bird until fell and would race to pick up stick first and could keep it another sport was pedestrianism
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How was social class divided in pre industrial britain?
There was only 2, upper and lower. The upper class were landowners and the lower class was land workers
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How did gender effect sport you play in pre industrial britain?
Women were seen as the weaker sex so took part in less dangeroud activites eg smock race to win a dress. Women had few rights and few choices. Upper Class women could participate in archery
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What are the socio-cultral factors effecting sport?
Social class, Gender, Money, Time, Transport, Education, Law and Order
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How did time effect sport you play in pre industrial britain?
Lower class worked extreamly long hours on the land so had little appetite to participate in sports (only on holydays/festivals). Games were shortlasting
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Define games played by upper class in pre industrial britain?
Real tennis and fox hunting, pedestrianism
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How did law and order effect sport you play in pre industrial britain?
Britain had little formal law meaning sports were violent eg bare knuckle fighting / animal baiting as there were no animal rights
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How did education and literacy effect sport you play in pre industrial britain?
Upper class were educated and literate meaning they could understand the rules of more sophisticated activities eg Real tennis whereas peasents played very simple activites
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How did avalibilty of money effect sport you play in pre industrial britain?
Upper class had lots of money meaning they could more opportunities for involvement. They could afford horses for transport and expensive equiptment/clothing.
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How did Transport effect sport you play in pre industrial britain?
Transport was mainly horse and cart and roads were in bad condition preventinng people from traveling so only local activities developed
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Describe how social class changed in Post industrial britain?
In post industrial britain there became another class, the middle class (facotry owners/managers) who had more time and money but still not as rich as the upper class.
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Define 'Amateurism'
These are upper class people who play sports for pride, reperensentation of country and did not need to be paid
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Define the term 'Proffesionalism'
These are people who had to be paid to play sports.
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What sport interlinked ameteurs and proffesionals, and why did tensions rise when interlinked these people
Cricket - people wanted to WIN so both ameturs and proffesionals were in same team however ameturs had seperate changing rooms and had to clean kits of others
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How did Rugy league and Ruby Union develop and come about?
Ametuers thought the idea of proffesionalism was too vulgar so rugby split into rugby union (amateurs) and Rugby league (proffesionals )
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How did gender effect sport played in post industrial Britain?
Women were expected to marry and hae children but due to a shortage of men (armed foces) efforts were made for women to have rights, work and vote making them more involved in sport and education
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How did law and order effect sport played in post industrial Britain?
Laws became more defined and animal baiting/ **** fighting were declined. UC held onto fox hunting as it was in their best intersest
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How did education effect sport played in post industrial Britain?
Upper class had little interst in school for working class as that would enable them to have more pewer. Child labour was comman so parents didnt want to give up their child for school. Sports were more relevant to upper/middle classes
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What was the education foster act?
This occurs in 1870 and was the beggining of mordern school state systems
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How did time effect sport played in post industrial Britain?
Factory owners realsied increased pp in sport would keep workers healthy and loyal ao there was an increased pp. Working class still found it difficult due to lack of income
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How did Transport effect sport played in post industrial Britain?
Railways began developing in 1830's and allowed for the development of seaside resorts. People were able to support, watch and tour more frequently
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How did public schools effect sport played in post industrial Britain?
Sports becoame and important part of education as they had lots of space to do so. There were good facilities and thomas arlnold created house systems
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Define athletisism'
This is a cmobination of physical endeur, trying hard and showing good sportsmanship where values learnt can be used in adulthood
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What was the 'cult of athletism'
Muscular christainity; development of NGB's, athetisism, decvelopment of competitions
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How did law effect sports played in 20th century britain?
Sports had become more civilided and most violent sports had dissaperad eccept hunting/shooting. Boxers wore gloves, players wore kits there was also laws on overworking people
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How did Education effect sports played in 20th century britain?
Education act was established in 1944 stating that there was a "responsiblity of every loacal educational authority to ensure spiratuial, mental and physical development withing comminities. 1988 - PE became compulsory
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How did transport effect sports played in 20th century britain?
There was a big increase in private (Cars) & Public transport so more teams/perfomers could travel and tour. Radio coverage increased so more people were aware of sports.
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How did time effect sports played in 20th century britain?
Laws prevented people being overworked = more time to pp and
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How did money effect type of sports played in 20th century britain?
Workers were paid more money so there was grater opportunity for sport. As standards of sport increased it became developing as a buisness, more people were being paid to play
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How did class effect sports played in 20th century britain?
Football became a sport of the working class, WC also pp in horse racing / boxing but was funded by upper class
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How did gender effect sports played in 20th century britain?
Sports was still male dominated. Some uc/mc women watchd proffesional sport but working class women were not as exposed to sport
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What can social mobility be achieved by?
sport, more people pp can release poverty as they become proffesionals , this is defined as rags to riches
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How did class effect sport in the 21st century?
There were now 8 divisons of class including long term unemployed. More people became proffesionals at their sports orginating from the working class
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How did gender effect sport in the 21st century?
More women were becoming engaged in sport however was still higher for men than in women. There were more female spectators and role models. Sports linked to specific genders
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How did law and order effect sport in the 21st century?
Laws becomae even more sophisticated and involved with a misuse of drugs/misconduct. There were laws to prevent discrimination based on rare gender. There were more rights for players and spectators
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How did education effect sport in the 21st century?
Education progeressed signifivantly with exams and qualifications including GCSE'S, A LEVELS, AS.
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How did time effect sport in the 21st century?
Socitetys became more technological and more people has cars saving peoples time pp in sport
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How did transport effect sport in the 21st century?
More homeowners owned a car so more people willing to travel
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What were some of the contempory factors that effect sport in the 21st century?
Television // radio// internet//social media
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
How was social class divided in pre industrial britain?
There was only 2, upper and lower. The upper class were landowners and the lower class was land workers
Card 3
How did gender effect sport you play in pre industrial britain?

Card 4
What are the socio-cultral factors effecting sport?

Card 5
How did time effect sport you play in pre industrial britain?

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