The definitions of health and fitness and the relationship between them. The problems associated with trying to define them. The components of health related fitness and skill related fitness. The effects of lifestyle on health and fitness.
1 of 7
The seven food classes.Need for a balanced diet and the energy balance of food.The difference in diet composition between an endurance athlete and power athletes. Obesity and limitations trying to define it. percentage body fat,BMI and other measures
2 of 7
Pulmonary Function
Mechanics of breathing. Lung volumes, capacities & interpretations of spirometer readings. Gas exchange systems at alveoli and muscles. Principals of diffusion, partial pressures, difference in CO2 and O2 between alveoli & blood. Role of CO2 in BR
3 of 7
Transport of Blood Gases
Haemoglobin and Myoglobin. Transport of O2- Bohr shift. Pulmonary and systematic circulation related to various blood vessels.Blood pressures. Venous Return. Redistribution of blood. Atrio-venous oxygen difference.
4 of 7
Cardiac Function
Cardiac Cycle. Cardiac cycle,stroke vol, HR and relationship between them. HR range in response to exercise hormonal and nervous effects on hr.Blood CO2 changing HR. Cardiac hypertrophy to bradycardia.Starlings Law of heart. Cardio-vascular drift
5 of 7
Analysis of Movement
Shoulder and elbow-push ups,overarm throw,forehand racket strokes. Hip knee and ankle- running,kicking,jumping,squats. types of joints, articulating bones, joint actions, agonist&antagonist.Types of muscle contraction-isotonic-con/eccentirc.isometric
6 of 7
three classes of levers. examples of use in body related to sporting actions. relationship of levers to effective performance-mechanical advantages and disadvantages, range and speed of movement.
7 of 7
Other cards in this set
Card 2
The seven food classes.Need for a balanced diet and the energy balance of food.The difference in diet composition between an endurance athlete and power athletes. Obesity and limitations trying to define it. percentage body fat,BMI and other measures
Card 3
Mechanics of breathing. Lung volumes, capacities & interpretations of spirometer readings. Gas exchange systems at alveoli and muscles. Principals of diffusion, partial pressures, difference in CO2 and O2 between alveoli & blood. Role of CO2 in BR
Card 4
Haemoglobin and Myoglobin. Transport of O2- Bohr shift. Pulmonary and systematic circulation related to various blood vessels.Blood pressures. Venous Return. Redistribution of blood. Atrio-venous oxygen difference.
Card 5
Cardiac Cycle. Cardiac cycle,stroke vol, HR and relationship between them. HR range in response to exercise hormonal and nervous effects on hr.Blood CO2 changing HR. Cardiac hypertrophy to bradycardia.Starlings Law of heart. Cardio-vascular drift
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