Spanish vocabulary 0.0 / 5 ? Spanishtricky vocabInternational BaccalaureateOther Created by: ratelle18Created on: 25-03-14 15:42 acantilado clff 1 of 28 acariciar To caress 2 of 28 acurrucarse To curl up 3 of 28 adivinar to guess 4 of 28 afán diligence, desire 5 of 28 aguarder = esperar to wait for 6 of 28 agujero hole 7 of 28 ahogarse to drown, suffocate 8 of 28 alba dawn 9 of 28 con alborozo with sheer joy 10 of 28 alma soul 11 of 28 amanecer sunrise 12 of 28 amparar = cobijar to shelter, protect 13 of 28 anacrónico anachronistic 14 of 28 analfabeto illiterate 15 of 28 anhelar to desire vehemently 16 of 28 apoderarse de to seize control of 17 of 28 apurar to hasten 18 of 28 arrastrar to drag 19 of 28 arrodillarse to kneel 20 of 28 arrojar = lanzar =echar to throw, hurl 21 of 28 arroyo stream, brook 22 of 28 arruinar to ruin, spoil, bankrupt 23 of 28 atar to tie up 24 of 28 atardecer sunset 25 of 28 atemorizar to frighten 26 of 28 arteverse a to dare to 27 of 28 atónito amazed, astonished 28 of 28
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