Spanish Going to the Cinema 0.0 / 5 ? SpanishIGCSENone Created by: LivyCreated on: 27-05-13 09:39 (No) Me gustan las pelicuas.. I (don't) like...films 1 of 36 romanticas romances 2 of 36 comicas comedies 3 of 36 policiacas crime 4 of 36 de ciencia ficcion sci-fi 5 of 36 de accion action 6 of 36 de terror horror 7 of 36 de dibujos animados cartoons 8 of 36 de guerra war 9 of 36 de oeste western 10 of 36 Porque (no) son... Because they are (not) 11 of 36 emocionantes emotional 12 of 36 aburridas boring 13 of 36 inteligentes intelligent 14 of 36 divertidas fun 15 of 36 animadas lively 16 of 36 graciosas funny 17 of 36 infantiles childish 18 of 36 interesantes interesting 19 of 36 tontas stupid 20 of 36 Dos entradas, por favour Two tickets, please 21 of 36 Para que pelicular? For which film? 22 of 36 Para... For... 23 of 36 Aqui tiene Here it is/you are 24 of 36 Cuanto es? How much is it? 25 of 36 Son...euros It's...euros 26 of 36 Que pantalla es? What screen is it? 27 of 36 Apta... It's suitable 28 of 36 para todos la publicos for all ages 29 of 36 para mayores de...anos for...and over 30 of 36 Estoy aqui con.. I'm here with... 31 of 36 Que tiempo hace? What's the weather like? 32 of 36 Hace... It is... 33 of 36 sol sunny 34 of 36 calor hot 35 of 36 frio cold 36 of 36
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