Spanish Verbs Flashcards
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- Created by: jilly2272
- Created on: 22-12-17 18:13
Yo doy
I give
1 of 78
Tú Das
You give (sg)
2 of 78
Él, ella, usted da
He gives, she gives, they give
3 of 78
Nosotros damos
We give
4 of 78
Vosotros daís
You give (pl)
5 of 78
Ellos, ellas, ustedes dan
They give
6 of 78
Yo estoy
I am (st)
7 of 78
Tú estás
You are (sg)(st)
8 of 78
Él, ella, usted está
He is, she is, they are (st)
9 of 78
Nosotros estamos
We are (st)
10 of 78
Vosotros estaís
You are (pl)(st)
11 of 78
Ellos, ellas, ustedes están
They are (st)
12 of 78
Yo hayo
I do
13 of 78
Tú haces
You do (sg)
14 of 78
Él, ella, usted hace
He does, she does, they are
15 of 78
Nosotros hacemos
We do
16 of 78
Vosotros hacéis
You do (plural)
17 of 78
Ellos, ellas, ustedes hacen
They do
18 of 78
Yo voy
I go
19 of 78
Tú vas
You go (sg)
20 of 78
Él, ella, usted va
He goes, she goes, they go
21 of 78
Nosotros vamos
We go
22 of 78
Vosotros vaís
You go (pl)
23 of 78
Ellos, ellas, ustedes van
They go
24 of 78
Yo puedo
I can
25 of 78
Tú puedes
You can (sg)
26 of 78
Él, ella, usted puede
He can, she can, they can
27 of 78
Nosotros podemos
We can
28 of 78
Vosotros podéis
You can (pl)
29 of 78
Ellos, ellas, ustedes pueden
They can
30 of 78
Yo pongo
I put
31 of 78
Tú pones
You put (sg)
32 of 78
Él, ella, usted pone
He puts, she puts, they put
33 of 78
Nosotros ponemos
We put
34 of 78
Vosotros poneís
You put (pl)
35 of 78
Ellos, ellas, ustedes ponen
They put
36 of 78
Me despierto
I wake up
37 of 78
Te despiertas
You wake up (sg)
38 of 78
Se despierta
He/she wakes up
39 of 78
Nos despertamos
We wake up
40 of 78
Os despertaís
You wake up (pl)
41 of 78
Se despiertan
They wake up
42 of 78
Yo salyo
I go out
43 of 78
Tú sales
You go out (sg)
44 of 78
Él, ella, usted sale
He goes out, she goes out, they go out
45 of 78
Nosotros salimos
We go out
46 of 78
Vosotros salís
You go out (pl)
47 of 78
Ellos, ellas, ustedes salen
They go out
48 of 78
Yo soy
I am (lt)
49 of 78
Tú eres
You are (sg)(lt)
50 of 78
Él, ella, usted es
He is, she is, they are (lt)
51 of 78
Nosotros somos
We are (lt)
52 of 78
Vosotros soís
You are (pl)(lt)
53 of 78
Ellos, ellas, ustedes son
They are (lt)
54 of 78
To wake up
55 of 78
To get up
56 of 78
To wash
57 of 78
To take a shower
58 of 78
To have breakfast
59 of 78
To have lunch
60 of 78
To go back
61 of 78
To relax
62 of 78
To take a bath
63 of 78
To put on/wear
64 of 78
To go to bed
65 of 78
To sleep
66 of 78
Yo tengo
I have
67 of 78
Tú tienes
You have (sg)
68 of 78
Él, ella, usted tiene
He has, she has, they have
69 of 78
Nosotros tenemos
We have
70 of 78
Vosotros teneís
You have (pl)
71 of 78
Ellos, ellas, ustedes tienen
They have
72 of 78
Yo vengo
I come
73 of 78
Tú vienes
You come (sg)
74 of 78
Él, ella, usted viene
He comes, she comes, they come
75 of 78
Nosotros venimos
We come
76 of 78
Vosotros venís
You come (pl)
77 of 78
Ellos, ellas, ustedes vienen
They come
78 of 78
Other cards in this set
Card 2
You give (sg)
Tú Das
Card 3
He gives, she gives, they give
Card 4
We give
Card 5
You give (pl)
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