spanish IGCSE environment vocab 5.0 / 5 based on 1 ratingTeacher recommended ? SpanishenvironmentIGCSEAQA Created by: livvydowleCreated on: 19-11-15 22:11 earth/planet el planeta/la tierra 1 of 48 the environment el medio-ambiente 2 of 48 nature la naturaleza 3 of 48 environmental medíoambiental 4 of 48 ecological ecologico 5 of 48 pullution la polucion/la contaminacion 6 of 48 clean/dirty limpio/sucio 7 of 48 rubbish la basura 8 of 48 recycling el reciclaje 9 of 48 paper el papel 10 of 48 glass vidrio 11 of 48 bottles las botellas 12 of 48 cans las latas 13 of 48 newspapers los periodicos 14 of 48 magazines las revistas 15 of 48 cardboard el carton 16 of 48 packaging el embalaje 17 of 48 plastic el plastico 18 of 48 food waste los residuos organicos 19 of 48 renewable energy la energia revable 20 of 48 solar energy la energia solar 21 of 48 wind energy la energia eolica 22 of 48 eco lightbulb una bombilla ecologica 23 of 48 rubbish bin el cubo the basura 24 of 48 recycling bin el contenedor para el reciclaje 25 of 48 traffic el trafico/los embotellamientos 26 of 48 traffic jams los atascos 27 of 48 public transport el transporte publico 28 of 48 global warming el recalentamiento del planeta 29 of 48 the ozone layer la capa de ozono 30 of 48 to recycle reciclar 31 of 48 to reduce reducir 32 of 48 to reuse reutilizar 33 of 48 to waste despilfarrar 34 of 48 to harm/damage danar 35 of 48 to save natural resources ahorrar los recursos naturales 36 of 48 to save the planet salvar la planeta 37 of 48 to respect the planet respetar la tierra 38 of 48 to protect proteger 39 of 48 to protest protestar 40 of 48 to write a letter to the government escribir una carta al gobierno 41 of 48 to complain quejarse 42 of 48 to use public transport viajar en transporte publico 43 of 48 to throw litter on the ground tirar basura al suelo 44 of 48 turn on/turn off encender/apagar 45 of 48 to leave switched on/off dejar encendido/apagado 46 of 48 to turn up/down the heating subir/bajar la calefaccion 47 of 48 to shower instead of having a bath ducharse en vez de banar 48 of 48
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