spainsh verbs 3.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? SpanishOtherOther Created by: louCreated on: 04-05-13 19:58 Name the verb endings for 'ser'- I am. soy, eres ,es , somos ,sois , son 1 of 13 Name the verb endings for 'tener'-to have. tengo, tienes, tiene, tenemos, teneis, tienen 2 of 13 Name the verb endings for 'estar'-to be. estoy, estas, esta, estamos, estais, estan 3 of 13 Name the verb endings for 'ir'-to go. voy, vas ,va ,vamos, vais, van 4 of 13 Name the verb endings for 'querer'- to want . quiero, quieres, quiere, queremos, quereis, quiren 5 of 13 Name the endings for regular 'ar' verbs. o, as, a, amos, ais, an 6 of 13 Name the endings for regular 'er' verbs. o, es, e, emos, eis, en 7 of 13 Name the endings for regular 'ir' verbs. o, es, e, imos, is ,en 8 of 13 How do you say your opinion in spanish? I love - me encanta. I like - me gusta. I dont like-no me gusta. I hate odio. 9 of 13 What is ' because they are' in spanish? porque son 10 of 13 What is ' because it is' in spanish? porque es 11 of 13 What are the following words in spanish? useful, easy, difficult, fun, boring, interesting. util, facil, dificil, divertido, aburrido, interesante. 12 of 13 Name the prepositions. entre-in between. debajo-under. encima-on. enfrente de-infront of. detrass-behind. dentro-in. 13 of 13
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