South Africa - Apartheid 3.5 / 5 based on 4 ratings ? HistorySouth Africa, 1948-94: From Apartheid State to 'Rainbow Nation'ASEdexcel Created by: PascaleMace1Created on: 24-05-16 11:47 ANC Youth League's Programme of Action 1949 - More militant - methods such as Boycotts, strikes etc. 1 of 30 Population Registration Act 1950 - every inhabitant had to register under his/her racial characteristics 2 of 30 Suppression of Communism Act 1950 - banning of the South African Communism Party 3 of 30 Group Areas Act 1950 - racial groups signed to sections in urban areas - e.g. Sophiatown, Johannesburg - District 6, Cape Town - Cato Manor, Durban 4 of 30 Bantu Authorities Act 1951 - giving authority to traditional tribal leaders in their homelands 5 of 30 Separate Representation of Votes Act 1951 - enforcing racial segregation - remove all non-whites from voting 6 of 30 Prevention of Illegal Squatting Act 1951 - authorised removal of squatter communities 7 of 30 Pass Laws Act 1952 - internal passport system - limited movement of black citizens - they had to carry a pass book with them everywhere outside their homelands 8 of 30 Defiance Campaign 1952 - aimed to break racial restrictions e.g. curfews and segregated facilities - Heart of campaign in East London - increased ANC membership 9 of 30 Bantu Education Act 1953 - enforced segregated education - prepare African people for limited roles and opportunites 10 of 30 Tomlinson Commission 1955 - to put money into Bantustans - funding for rural industries 11 of 30 Freedom Charter 1955 - listing core political views of the Congress Alliance - called for a fully democratic SA 12 of 30 Sekhukhuneland Revolts 1958 - rural resistance - to make it into a homeland 13 of 30 Formation of the PAC 1959 - less militant than the ANC - 'Africa for the Africans' 14 of 30 Cato Manor Revolt 1959 - African women against oppression 15 of 30 Sharpeville Masacre 1960 - PAC organised residents to all go out without pass books - 63 died - police opened fire 16 of 30 Harold Macmillan's 'Wind of Change' Speech 1960 - PM of Britain - African nationalism was natural - sites should accept it 17 of 30 Creation of MK 1961 - armed wing of ANC - 'spear of the nation' 18 of 30 Rivonia Trial 1964 - 10 ANC leaders tried for acts of sabotage trying to overthrow apartheid system - Nelson Mandela served 27 years in prison 19 of 30 Black Consciousness Movement 1968 - founded by Steve Biko - after the banning of the ANC and PAC 20 of 30 South African Student Organisation (SASO) 1969 - SA students against Apartheid - led by Steve Biko 21 of 30 Durban Stikes 1973 - Strikes in a brick factors set of more strikes - over low wages, segregation, human rights etc. 22 of 30 Soweto Uprising 1976 - protests by high school students - protested Afrikaans being taught at their schools 23 of 30 Tri-cameral Parliament 1983 - with the NP still in power under Botha - political voice given to Coloureds and Indians 24 of 30 Vaal Uprising 1984-85 - protests in the Transvaal against Apartheid 25 of 30 Alexandra 'Six Day War' 1986 - Johannesburg township - not led directly by ANC 26 of 30 Revocation of Apartheid legislation 1991 - scrapping of the Population Registration Act - ended by F.W. de Klerk 27 of 30 CODESA Negotiations 1991 - did not involve the PAC - new constitution - future of homelands - interim government - electoral system 28 of 30 Boipatong Massacre 1992 - attack on township - 45 killed - rival party of ANC - IFP 29 of 30 Continuation of CODESA Negotiations 1992 - disbanding the MK - CODESA 2 failed - ANC rejected the disbanding of the MK 30 of 30
How did the ANC strengthen its position after the reverses of the early 1970s 5.0 / 5 based on 2 ratings