Punctuation at the end of lines (interpretation, link to experience)
safe/reassuring, contrast to experience- enjambment=abandonment
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The Fact that this is the introduction (Introduced to.....)
Introducing us to the concept of innocence, childhood
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Light tone (3 points)
Childhood, simple story, innocence
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Alternate Rhyme (4 Points)
Nursery rhyme/folk song feeling, childhood, inncocence
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Narrator (who, context to Blake as a musician)
William Blake as piper- 'I'- Blake was an instinctive musician- sang tunes to his poems
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The fact that it is an intro in terms of nature (5 Points)
Return to when humanity was in tune with nature, true happiness, 'Golden-age', positive, innocence
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"Piping down the valleys wild,"
Freedom of spirit, rural/rustic setting- romanticism, 'wild'- nothing to do with humans
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"Pleasant glee""laughing"
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"On a cloud I saw a child"
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"'Pipe a song about a lamb.'"
statement- child is a guide- children's voice should be heard more- can learn from children- children can teach adults innocence
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Symbol of innocence and happiness, innocence and sacrifice-The Bible, One of the major focuses in Blake's work- portrayal of Jesus as the innocent/ spotless lamb of Christianity
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"So I piped with merry cheer"
Piper= obedient to the child's request, 'So' is repeated throughout the poem- childlike simplicity of piper
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"So I piped; he wept to hear"
Caesura- emotional, 'wept'- sombre- contrast to joy- innocence is broken/ fractured
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"' Drop thy pipe'"
Imperative- child symbolises the imagination
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"In a book, that all may read"
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"rural pen"
The start of man ruining nature
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"And I stained the water clear"
Needs to be purified- everyone drinks water- purify everyone-inclusive- unity of people and nature- how nature helps people
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"And I stained the water clear" 2
Piper is destroying purity of water as he's an adult- so he can write- Could be that he's trying to work with nature- Importance of nature- Nature channels creative inspiration- Writing, the water colour used for the illustrations for the poems
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