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6. Somerset increased debasement thinking it would cause less disruption to the public

  • True
  • False

7. Debasement made inflation worse. Why was this a nightmare?

  • Unemployment
  • All of the above
  • Poor harvests
  • Population growth
  • Caused Kett's Rebellion

8. The Chantries Act was more about financial motives for Somerset. When was it?

  • 1549
  • 1547
  • 1548

9. The Chantries Act partially caused the Western Rising

  • True
  • False

10. Henry had left finances under good control and had paid off his foreign policy debt

  • False
  • True

11. When was the Vagrancy Act?

  • 1549
  • 1547
  • 1548

12. The Vagrancy Act got local officials to collect for the deserving poor

  • True
  • False

13. What happened to the undeserving poor?

  • They were murdered
  • All of the above
  • They were enslaved forever
  • They were enslaved for 3 days

14. The commoners and local officials were unsatisfied with the Vagrancy Act - the locals wouldn't enforce it and it might have caused the 1549 rebellions

  • True
  • False

15. When did Somerset introduce Enclosure Commissions, tax property and tax sheep?

  • 1548
  • 1547
  • 1549

16. Kett's Rebellion called for tax on sheep and for the issue of enclosures to be dealt with

  • True
  • False

17. The landed elites loved the new enclosure policies

  • False
  • True

18. The English were defeated by the Scots at the Battle of Pinkie

  • False
  • True

19. When was the Battle of Pinkie?

  • 1549
  • 1547
  • 1548

20. England successfully kept Boulogne and Calais

  • True
  • False