the term given to programs we run on our computers, it also refers to the data that is used
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what are two ways of storing software
hard disk, a memory stick, an SD card, and optical disk eg. cd or dvd
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what are the three different types of software
system software(controls the hardware), application software(handles real world jobs users want to do), utility software(used to maintain computer systems)
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what part of the operating system actually makes the hardware do things
the kernel (at the heart)
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what is the user interface
the boundary between the human user and the machine
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what is a shell
a software that the users to communicate with the kernel
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what does GUI stand for
Graphical User Interface
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what does the gui do
it sits on top of the operating system kernel and allows easy access to things such as selecting software and files, sending messages, controlling sound volume and deleting or moving files, etc.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
what are two ways of storing software
hard disk, a memory stick, an SD card, and optical disk eg. cd or dvd
Card 3
what are the three different types of software
Card 4
what part of the operating system actually makes the hardware do things
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