Sociology Youth Culture Theorists 5.0 / 5 based on 1 ratingTeacher recommended ? SociologyYouth CultureASWJEC Created by: Chloe HayterCreated on: 08-05-13 11:06 Marxism - Sivanandan Youth are resisting racism not just capitalism. eg. youth subcultures; rude boys, ska 1 of 30 Marxism - Brake Youth culture is an illusion. Everyone goes through it but we all end up like our parents. 2 of 30 Marxism- Hebdige Punks- Bricolage(new objects out of old thibngs) Blank generation, no future due to no money/class 3 of 30 Marxism- Cohen Skin heads- Exagerated masculinity 4 of 30 Marxism- Hall and Jefferson Teddy boys-dress like middle class(social superiors) Young people are hard to control because of their lack of responsibilities. 5 of 30 Functionalism- Eisenstadt Move from ascribed to achieved status 6 of 30 Functionalism- Durkheim Part of secondary socialisation. Helps us bind to value concensus 7 of 30 Functionalism- Roszak The gap between generations is bigger than the gap between class or gender etc. 8 of 30 Functionalism- Murchoch and McCron Youth culture is a generation in itself 9 of 30 Functionalism- Parsons Youth culture is bridge from childhood to adulthood. Rite of passage. 10 of 30 Subcultural - Miller Different classes has different focal concerns 11 of 30 Subcultural - Merton Strain theory, how youth respond 12 of 30 Subcultural- Cloward and Ohlin Blocked opportunites 13 of 30 Subcultural- Matza Youth drift in and out of delinquency (working class) 14 of 30 Gender- Lee Girls are seen as sexual objects and girlfriends 15 of 30 Gender- Abbott and Wallace Girls are more controlled by their parents more than boys and they don't have as much freedom 16 of 30 Gender- Harris Girls are portrayed in 2 ways. Vunrable and girl power. 17 of 30 Gender- McRobbie and Garber Bedroom culture. Girls don't want to be negatively labelled 18 of 30 Gender- Mac an Ghail Status frustration, crisis of masculinity 19 of 30 Gender- Campbell Warped masculinity 20 of 30 Gender- Jackson Ladettes, girls are more masculine and less girly 21 of 30 Gender- Blackman New age girls reject femininity (don't act girly) 22 of 30 Gender- Smart Girls have limited freedom 23 of 30 Gender- Heindensohn Women are controlled 24 of 30 Post modernism- Widdicombe and Woofitt Youth cultures have no fixed meanings 25 of 30 Post modernism- Bauman There are no coherent structures in life because it's too complex 26 of 30 Post modernism- Roberts Pick and mix culture. Young people pick and choose their style. 27 of 30 Post modernism-Maffesoli Youth culture have been replaced by neo tribes 28 of 30 Post modernism- Muncie Young people are conformists, they copy others eg. peers and media 29 of 30 Post modernism- Chatterton and Holland When youths go out clubbing they only seek to have fun and socialise, not just to get drunk. 30 of 30