Ascribed status is your status that you are born with, it is fixed at birth
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What is meant by the term social construction?
Social construction is the concept that something is created and defined by society and is relative to time, place and culture
2 of 11
What is meant by the term march of progress?
The march of progress view is the idea that something is improving over time, for example childhood
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What is meant by the term toxic childhood?
Toxic childhood is Palmer (2006)'s idea that children's physical, emotional and intellectual development is being damaged due to junk food and computer games etc.
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What is meant by the term domestic division of labour?
Domestic division of labour is gender roles that men and women play in relation to housework childcare and paid work
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What is meant by the term symmetrical family?
A symmetrical family has joint conjugal roles - where the roles of husband and wife are shared or similar. Women work part or full time and men help with housework or childcare. Couples also spend leisure time together and the family is privatised
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What is meant by the term geographical mobility?
Geographical mobility is where the family move and possibly separate, for example weakening extended family ties
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What is meant by the term 'privatised family'?
The 'privatised family' is home centred, child centred, small and increasingly affluent. It is a modern functionalist view
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What is meant by the term gender scripts?
Gender scripts are social expectations that set out the gender roles of heterosexual couples. Men and women pressurised to carry out domestic tasks that confirm their gender identities, for example men doing DIY.
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What is meant by the term birth rate?
Birth rate is the number of live births per 1000 of the population per year
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What is meant by the term death rate?
Death rate is the number of deaths per 1000 of the population per year
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What is meant by the term social construction?
Social construction is the concept that something is created and defined by society and is relative to time, place and culture
Card 3
What is meant by the term march of progress?
Card 4
What is meant by the term toxic childhood?
Card 5
What is meant by the term domestic division of labour?
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