Sociology AS/A2 Research Methods and Theorists 0.0 / 5 ? SociologySociological research methodsA2/A-levelAQA Created by: BonnieA2Created on: 15-04-14 14:10 Functionalists Use positivist, quantitative methods to study society as they believe sociology is a science. An example of this is Durkheims study of suicide. 1 of 5 Marxists Are a macro, structural theory and prefer quantitative methods, although are concerned about using statistics as they come from the bourgeoisie. 2 of 5 Feminists Are a structural theory, although they prefer qualitative methods as these allow women and men to express their feelings. 3 of 5 Interactionists Use interpretivist, qualitative methods to study society as they want to gain verstehen and a social actors perspective of a social situation. 4 of 5 Post Modernists Believe that the positivism vs. interpretivism debate is outdated and prefer mxing methods, this is called triangulation. 5 of 5
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