He saw the idea of sociology in ancient philosophers such as...
Plato and Aristotle
4 of 9
But Durkheim felt they did...
Not go far enough as they did not create create a separate discipline but just as an extension of existing disciplines
5 of 9
To distinguish sociology from philosophy Durkheim argued...
That it should be focused on empirical research
6 of 9
Durkheim felt that Comte who felt he was too a sociologist was too focused on...
Philosophizing in abstract theorizing then he was in studying the social world empirically
7 of 9
Durkheim felt that if this continued sociology would just become...
A branch of philosophy
8 of 9
Durkheim attacked Comte and stated that he was...
guilty of assuming theoretically that the social world was evolving in the direction of a perfect society rather than engaging in the work of actually studying the changing nature of society”
9 of 9
Other cards in this set
Card 2
The idea of sociology was born in...
19th century France
Card 3
But Durkheim wanted to turn sociology into...
Card 4
He saw the idea of sociology in ancient philosophers such as...
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