in countries like America and Britain it happens more often where there is a decrease of children and a increases of life span so there are more adults then children
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Classic extended family
an extended family sharing the same household
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a couple living together who are not married
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extended family
a family containing relatives in addition to the nuclear family
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gay or lesbian family
same sex couples living together with children
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relatives based on marriage or genes
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lone parent family
lone parent(either gender) with dependent children
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modified extended family
an extended family living apart but still in communication via phone email or Skype etc..
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a married couple of the opposite sex, who have sexual relations with each other family data
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nucleur family
a family consisting of an adult male and female with one or more children(including adopted)
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a marriage involving two or more wives or husbands
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reconstituted family
(blended family) a family formed out of another relationship, otherwise known as a step family
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symmetrical family
authority and household tasks shared between male and female partners
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
an extended family sharing the same household
Classic extended family
Card 3
a couple living together who are not married
Card 4
a family containing relatives in addition to the nuclear family
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