This refers to the plans and actions of the government agencies
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What are 3 examples of Social Policies?
Health and Social services, the benefits system and schools
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What Policy was introduced into China?
1 Child Policy
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Name 3 ways how this policy enforced?
Fines, Job losses if they broke the policy, Sterilisation, Children and adults were denied to access public policies
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When was the 1 Child Policy dropped?
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What was enforced into communist Romania?
Introduced a series of polices to increase birth rates
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How was this policy enforced?
The banned and made it hard to get access to contraception and made divorcing partners a lot harder
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What Policy was intoduced into Nazi Germany?
The Twofold Policy
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What was this?
This is when it encouraged a racially pure to breed a master race. The restricted abortion and contraception. Policies to also keep women out of the workforce and at home
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What do Functionalists see the affects of social policy are on the family?
functionalists see polciies as helping families to perform their functions more effectively and make life better for their members
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How do the New Right view the Family?
They believe strongly about a nuclear family. They see this family type as naturally self reliant and capable of caring for others
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What do The New Right see the affects of social policy are on the family?
There views have lead to an increase in divorce and same sex partnership. It may also lead to more crime and welfare dependency
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What do Marxists see the affects of social policy are on the family?
Social polcies that promote capitalism. Such as women 'reproduce the next generation' of workers and women provide a 'reserve army of cheap labour'
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What do Feminsts see the affects of social policy are on the family?
They see that the state and its policies have lead to help maintain the women's subordinate position and the unequal gender division of labour
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What are 3 examples of Social Policies?
Health and Social services, the benefits system and schools
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