Sociology for my sister 4.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? Sociologytheories and methodsA2/A-levelAll boards Created by: Hope376Created on: 01-05-17 16:50 Positivists believe that sociology can be a ...... science 1 of 8 following logic and ..... of the natural sciences methods 2 of 8 Popper argues that science involves seeking to .... hypotheses falsify 3 of 8 Interpretivists favour these theories action 4 of 8 This can only be done by interpreting the ....... and motives of individuals. meanings 5 of 8 Sociology is about ....... meaning and not external causes. internal 6 of 8 the subject you are doing sociology 7 of 8 The amazing creator of this puzzle and who you love so much (5 letters) holly 8 of 8
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