Sociology Flashcards 0.0 / 5 ? SociologyCrime and devianceGCSEOCR Created by: Oliviaancell11Created on: 25-05-18 12:23 what age range is youth? youth is between 13 and 18 years 1 of 7 give an examples of a crime ? muder and **** 2 of 7 what is crime? crime is an illegalact that is punishable 3 of 7 what is deviance? deviance is linked to the concept of norms and values 4 of 7 give an examples of deviance? bullying and swearing 5 of 7 what could be done to stop crime? more harsh puishments- longer prison sentences 6 of 7 list three punishments for crime? prison , asbos and curfews 7 of 7
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