sociology family 0.0 / 5 ? SociologyFamilies and householdsA2/A-levelAQA Created by: heffordaliceCreated on: 20-06-18 18:59 DDofL-bott joint and segregated roles. S=traditional, separate leisure...J=shared responsibility 1 of 13 DDofL-young and wilmott march of progress, symmetrical=young and those who are geographically isolated 2 of 13 DDofL-Feminists reject MofP view-argue little has changed, women still do more housework. still inequality that stems from patriarchy 3 of 13 DDofL-femminsts-Oakley Husbands help wives once a week, 15% in HW 20% in childcare=more pleasurable However BOLTON=fewer than 20% of men have a major role in childcare 4 of 13 Impact of paid work-Geshuny no work=83% hw...Part time=82% hw...Full time 73% hw = should be 50/50 5 of 13 Commercialisation of housework-silver domestic appliances reduce HW 6 of 13 Dual burden-orris even when father is unemployed they still avoid housework../ Ramos contradicts this 7 of 13 Triple shift hoschchild even bleaker picture for women 8 of 13 decision making..cultural explanation determined by patriarchy=expected men to do decision making and for women to do domestic work 9 of 13 decision making-material explanation women earn less money than men so it is economically benefitical for women to do childcare and housework 10 of 13 Decision making pooling can indicate equality however a man and his job takes priority, they make important financial decisions 11 of 13 decision making-meaning of money pooling doesn't always mean equality-depends if each couple contributes equally. cohabits=less likely to cohabit 12 of 13 decision making-personal life depends of meaning couples give to money../Smart- same sex couples attach no importance to the control of money 13 of 13
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