Sociology : Education : Gender
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- Created by: timid_silence19
- Created on: 02-05-19 11:53
1950's - 70's
Boys outperformed; curriculum held girls back, higher-grade boundaries for the 11+ exams for girls
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National Curriculum - everyone learned the same subjects
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Sexist material was challenged, "coursework advantages girls".
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1988 - Now
Girls outperformed boys in all areas of education
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Changes in the Curriculum - Explanation
Why women underachieved in the 50's and 60's but why they started to outperform boys in the 90's because of the new curriculum.
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Changes in the Curriculum - Evaluation - Elwood
The course work argument loses validity as girls outperform boys in subjects without it as well.
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W/C boys experience bullying and labelling if they work hard. They do not appear 'macho' and are told that they are 'sissys' or that their 'not real boys'.
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Boys think education is irrelevant because they aspire to be footballers and they adopt the identity of effortless achievement.
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Studied W/C boys that showed they actively resist school by developing an anti-school subculture.
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Anti-school Subcultures - Explanation
Why W/C boys do not complete essays, revise or engage as they expect to get high grades. Why W/C boys use negative labels with each other to prevent their learning.
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Anti-school Subcultures - Evaluation - Archer 2014
Gave cameras to year 10+ girls in 6 areas of London and they all took selfies and cared about their looks. Girls create subcultures but still do better than boys do.
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Mac an Ghail
A decline in manual jobs (office work being feminine) meant that men experience a 'crisis of masculinity' and struggle to find jobs that are 'macho' enough.
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Feminisation of the work place 'gender quake' means that there are more opportunities forwomen to have well paid,highly skilled jobs.
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Changes in the Workplace -Explanation
Why boys are not motivated in class as they do not see a place in the economy.
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Changes in the Workplace - Evaluation
It does not explain under achievement in contemporary society. Men cannot have this crisis of masculinity when they earn more than women do
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Mitsos and Browne
Teachers are less strict on boys, they give leeway to deadlines and they expect a lower standard of work. They do not punish them to their potential, leaving them to fail.
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Feminisation of education. There are more female teachers leaving role models for girls and alienating boys.
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Frosh et al
Boys cannot be popular and smart. Few W/C boys manage to be academically successful.
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Male Under-Achievement - Explanation
Why boys do worse in coursework, given more leeway with deadlines so have less to improve.
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Male Under-Achievement -Evaluation - Spender
Teachers spend just as much or more time with boys than girls.
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Science is packaged as a boys subject and there are still gendered narratives. Textbooks use sexist material and the boys took over these lessons.
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There is still a big gap between subject choices.
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Hidden curriculum disadvantages girls.
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Subject Choices - Explanation
Why girls do not take subjects such as science and maths and why they don't do as well in them.
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Subject Choices - Evaluation - Weiner
Teachers have been challenging stereotypes in the curriculum or at least trying to.
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Sue Sharp
Girls attitudes have changed from love, marriage and children to jobs, career and independence. Education is the main route to getting a good job and financial independence.
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Female Expectations - Explanation
Why W/C girls outperform W/C boys as they are more ambitious.
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Female Expectations - Evaluation
Girls aspirations cannot be the only reason for the differences in education becasue if that were the case, regardless of class or ethnicity, girls would outperform.
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Mitsos and Browne
Girls are more motivated and hardworking than boys. They claim that girls can concentrate for longer and are more organised.
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Harris et al
Secondary school females tended to be hardworking and better motivated. Males have difficulties organising their time and struggle with revision and homework.
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McRobbie and Garber
Girls are more motivated because they have been socialised into bedroom culture, where they stay in doing work. This teaches them to sit quietly which is valued in education.
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Boys and Girls are Different - Explanation
Why in reality girls have been outperforming boys, even when it appeared that boys were doing better nationally as they raised the pass rate of the 11+ exams for girls.
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Boys and Girls are Different - Evaluation
If girls are more motivated then why don't W/C girls outperform M/C boys?
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
National Curriculum - everyone learned the same subjects
Card 3
Sexist material was challenged, "coursework advantages girls".

Card 4
Girls outperformed boys in all areas of education

Card 5
Why women underachieved in the 50's and 60's but why they started to outperform boys in the 90's because of the new curriculum.

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