Sociology- Crime and Deviance

Durkheim (Functionalism) Crime and Deviance
Founder of functionalism. Concerned with social change and the transition to mdoern industrial society. he saw this a change from a simple social structure to one with a complex,specialised division of labour.
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Merton (Functionalism) Crime and Deviance
Strain theory. People engage in deviant behaviour when they are unable to achieve socially approved goals by legtimate means. Deviant adaptaions to strain
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Pearson's (Functionalism) Sociological theory
Sees society as a system. See's similarities between organism system and society. Value consensus and social order. Inegration of individuals. Systems needs. Types of society. Social change
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A.K Cohen (Functionalism) Crime and Deviance
Status fustration. Criticises Merton for focusing on utilitarian crime and seeing deviance as an individual response. Alternative status hierarchy- gaining status in alternative ways e.g. rebelling
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Cloward and Ohlin (Functionalism) Crime and Deviance
Three subcultures. 1)Criminal subcultures 2)Conflict subcultures 3)Retreatist subcultures
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Card 2


Strain theory. People engage in deviant behaviour when they are unable to achieve socially approved goals by legtimate means. Deviant adaptaions to strain


Merton (Functionalism) Crime and Deviance

Card 3


Sees society as a system. See's similarities between organism system and society. Value consensus and social order. Inegration of individuals. Systems needs. Types of society. Social change


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Card 4


Status fustration. Criticises Merton for focusing on utilitarian crime and seeing deviance as an individual response. Alternative status hierarchy- gaining status in alternative ways e.g. rebelling


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Card 5


Three subcultures. 1)Criminal subcultures 2)Conflict subcultures 3)Retreatist subcultures


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