4.5 / 5 based on 5 ratings
- Created by: Spider_Parker
- Created on: 30-06-16 19:53
Absolute Poverty
Poverty defined as lacking the minimum requirements necessary to maintain human health.
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Achieved Status
Status which is achieved through an individual’s own efforts
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Stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination against individuals or groups on the grounds of their age.
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Ageing Population
A population in which the average age is getting higher, with a greater proportion of the population over retirement age, and a smaller proportion of young people.
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Agenda Setting
The media’s influence over the issues that people think about because the agenda, or list of subjects, for public discussion is laid down by the mass media.
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Groups of people of a similar age, who have shared status and roles. The transition from one age status to the next is often accompanied by a rite of passage.
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Aid Economic
Military, technical and financial assistance given (or loaned) to developing countries.
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A lack of power, control, fulfilment and satisfaction experienced by workers in a capitalist society where the means of producing goods are privately owned and controlled.
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A sense of normlessness, confusion and uncertainty over social norms, often found in periods of rapid social change and other disruptions of the routines and traditions of everyday social life.
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Anti-capitalist Movement
A collective of a wide range of groups, united in their stand against the social inequality and exploitation fostered by capitalism.
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Anti-globalization movement
A loose network of groups and organizations globally opposing neo-liberal economic globalization (but using globalized communications).
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Anti-school Subculture
A set of values, attitudes and behaviour in oppo¬sition to the main aims of a school.
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A system whereby society is divided on the basis of ethnic grouping, more especially, skin colour. Found in South Africa until the mid-1990s.
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Arranged Marriage
A marriage which is arranged by the parents of the marriage partners, with a view to compatibility of background and status. More a union between two families than two people, and roman¬tic love between the marriage partners is not necessarily presen
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Ascribed Status
Status which is given to an individual at birth and usually can’t be changed.
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A system of rule which emphasizes the authority of a particular person, leading party or the state in general over the people.
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A system of grouping students in schools according to their ability.
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'Beanpole' family
A multi-generation extended family, in a pattern which is long and thin, with few aunts and uncles, reflecting fewer children being born in each generation, but people living longer.
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Ideas about things we hold to be true.
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A subject presented in a one-sided way, favouring one point of view over others, or ignoring, distorting or misrepresenting issues.
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Bilateral Aid
Aid involving only the donor and recipient, usually government to government.
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The number and variety of species in ecosystems that are threatened by human activity.
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The appropriation, generally by means of patents, of legal rights over indigenous knowledge – particularly indigenous biomedical knowledge – without compensation to the indigenous groups who originally developed such knowledge.
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Birth Rate
The number of live births per 1,000 of the population per year.
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A sexual orientation or sexual attraction towards people of both sexes.
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Bottom Billion
Collier’s term for the poorest billion of the world’s population; also known as ‘Africa plus’
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In Marxist theory the class of owners of the means of production.
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Bretton Woods
The place where an agreement in 1944 set up the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank and what became the World Trade Organization (WTO).
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A term derived from the works of Weber. A system of organization in which there is a hierarchy of officials, each with a different level of authority. All officials must stick to the rules, and detailed records are kept of every action.
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The social class of owners of the means of production in industrial societies, whose primary purpose is to make profits.
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The class of owners of the means of production in industrial societies whose primary purpose is to make profits.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Status which is achieved through an individual’s own efforts
Achieved Status
Card 3
Stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination against individuals or groups on the grounds of their age.

Card 4
A population in which the average age is getting higher, with a greater proportion of the population over retirement age, and a smaller proportion of young people.

Card 5
The media’s influence over the issues that people think about because the agenda, or list of subjects, for public discussion is laid down by the mass media.

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