Sociological theory and methods so far... 0.0 / 5 ? SociologySociological research methodsA2/A-levelAQA Created by: EliseCreated on: 14-04-13 23:48 Who's idea were 'social facts' Durkeim 1 of 12 Parsons' three systems were: personality, social, and...? cultural 2 of 12 Who was it that said Parsons had an 'oversocialised view of the individual' Wrong (1967) 3 of 12 Merton (1968) said the manifest function refers to... the apparent function 4 of 12 What kind of Marxist was Althussar (1971)? Structuralist 5 of 12 Who defines patriarchy as 'a system of social structures and practices in which men dominate women'? Walby (1990: 20) 6 of 12 Who argues there is currently a crisis of masculinity where men are experiencing uncertainty in their gender roles? Faludi (1999) 7 of 12 Mead thought the self consists of 'I' and 'me' 8 of 12 Which perspective was Goffman (1969) Interactionist 9 of 12 Did Becker believe deviant behaviour was a result of labelling? Yes 10 of 12 Who proposed structuration theory Giddens (1976, 1984) 11 of 12 Who's view of rationalisation did Ritzer (2004) develop? Weber 12 of 12
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