Social and Political Tensions- Immigration

The amount of immigrants that entered the USA from 1866 to 1915
twenty five million
1 of 5
Which immigration act stated that only 3% of a nation's population was allowed into the USA?
Emergency Quota Act
2 of 5
An immigration act that set a 2% total of a nation entering the USA and restriction on the amount of people entering from Northern and Western Europe.
Immigration Act
3 of 5
What is the name of the act that restricted the amount of Chinese people entering the USA and made them live apart from society?
Asian Exclusion Act
4 of 5
Did unemployment in the USA increase or decrease with increased immigration?
5 of 5

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Card 2


Which immigration act stated that only 3% of a nation's population was allowed into the USA?


Emergency Quota Act

Card 3


An immigration act that set a 2% total of a nation entering the USA and restriction on the amount of people entering from Northern and Western Europe.


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is the name of the act that restricted the amount of Chinese people entering the USA and made them live apart from society?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Did unemployment in the USA increase or decrease with increased immigration?


Preview of the front of card 5


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