smart textiles gcse textiles 0.0 / 5 ? Design & Technology: TextilesGCSEAQA Created by: rebeccaCreated on: 20-05-13 18:24 define smart textile material that can respond to external stimuli 1 of 10 memory textiles a shape memory polymer 2 of 10 electro textiles are textiles combined with electronic products 3 of 10 microencapsulation releases scents and smells slowly 4 of 10 body enhancing fabrics create a sense of well being 5 of 10 thermochromatic fabrics dyes are added that change colour in response to temperature 6 of 10 uv reactive fabric responds to light/sunlight 7 of 10 phosphorescent fabric transforms invisible energy to visible light 8 of 10 phase changing fabric oulast produces this 9 of 10 biomenetic fabrics are involved with the science of understanding nature and how it responds cautomatically to changes 10 of 10
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